
Vote Please!

Hi all!  I don't actually know how many readers I have out there, but I'd like to ask the few of you for a favor.  As many of you know, my husband is currently deployed. Groupon has started a contest for best “kiss” picture for Valentines Day and I have entered a picture of the last kiss my husband was able to give our little girl before deployment. The winner receives Groupon bucks and these would allow my husband and I to get some date nights in when he gets back or maybe even allow us to go away for the weekend on a soldiers salary.

If you could all help me out, if you are on Facebook and go vote for my picture it would be amazing!! We are at around 40 votes and the top contenders have 200+ votes. Can you help get us there? Oh, and if your bored, you can vote once every hour!


  1. I voted and shared on my page...I can share on my blog too, if you want.....

  2. I would love that if you really didn't mind!!


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