
Just a Few

I have decided on a few small resolutions this year.  Yes, I have the "make every moment count" theme.  And maybe you could tie these into that, but really they are just things I want to do and I don't think I'm trying to over achieve.  Small goals I don't think will be too hard.

1. I've already started!  Bought the Crochet Lab Craftsy class in their Black Friday sale.  Started learninv to crochet today!
2.  Knit at least 3 pairs of socks this year for myself (really because I need more wool socks)
3. Read just as much as I did last year, if not more.  13 books in 2013.  Maybe I will strive for 14 in 2014.
4. Run a 5k.
5. Last be certainly not least, finish an adult size sweater.  Whether it is one that is started or a new one I don't care.  I just need to finish!!

We shall see how I do.

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