Hi All! Hope many of you found me from my Wordpress blog. I hate to say it, but I've had to start again. So if you have a blog reader change your URL Feed now please!??! I'd really hate to lose readers!
I originally switched to Wordpress way back when, because Blogger was giving me trouble but I was in a foreign country which can be an issue sometimes when it comes to the internet and access to things. I was also on a computer with a whole lot of viruses on it. So I'm pretty sure I blamed all this at the time on Blogger, but in hindsight I'm sure Blogger had nothing to do with it. I thought I liked Wordpress, but the longer I've used it the more I've grown to dislike it. Some people love it, and I should mention I'm speaking of the free Wordpress. Some people pay for Wordpress and have amazing blogs. I wish I could do that, but I can't have expenses like that right now. Plus, I don't feel like it's worth it for something that is really just a hobby. The final straw was when all of a sudden my font went gray and you couldn't read it. I played around with some HTML and still couldn't get it to work. Then I thought I found a "it'll do" type replacement but I found that it was skipping posts I had. Wasn't too thrilled!
So here we are......back at Blogger. And back with my good ole friends at Shabby Blogs for background and designing. It will take me a little while to really whip it into shape, so be patient with me please. With fingers crossed this time, everything should work out and I shouldn't have to change it up again. I'm sure it's not great for readership when your URL changes. (Again, reminder...add the new URL to your news feed!)
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